Tonight, I feel good.
I studied hard this weekend and I think I passed my French mid-term this evening. It was scheduled for 2 hours, and I finished in 1 hour. I didn’t panic and forget everything as soon as the test was handed out.
I finished creating this web site, and have a working web gallery. It’s secure, and it’s finally set up the way I want it.
I am still employed.
My to-do list is only 6 items long, two of which are repeating tasks (weekly status report to my manager and monthly computer backup reminder).
My in-box at work is empty. I am staying on top of the work-load instead of being swamped like I have been for years.
I had a successful requirements review this morning. I could have done better, but I still had a lot of work to complete over the last few weeks.
I have created a transition plan for one of my four projects at work. I am involved in too many projects and need to cut down my project list. The plan has not been approved yet. One of the other projects is winding down too as the team in Beijing is taking over as we near customer release.
This past weekend, I had enough time to watch a DVD with Rosa. It was the first time in months.
I have transitioned all my MCO organizational work to others so I can focus on my racing this year.
And finally, and most importantly, I am married to the most wonderful woman. She means the world to me.
When I have moments of doubt and low moods, I should remember this evening.